Saturday, August 27, 2022

Its innumerates (people who can't count) like Gavin Newsom that are the problem.

Its innumerates (people who can't count) like Gavin Newsom that are the problem. Now take his hero Angela Merkel, Germany's Climate Chancellor as an example of how bad an innumerate leader can be. She decided on an energy policy favoring Wind where there is little coastline for windmills and Solar where everyone goes to Spain to get sunlight.  By implementing that policy forcefully she diminished much wealth in utility assets and after Fukishima she panics and orders the decommissioning of nuclear power plants wiping out tremendously more wealth but which took many steps backwards on reaching the zero carbon emissions goal.  She further exacerbated the climate by extending the mining and burning of bituminous coal, the world’s dirtiest to compensate for diminished nuclear power and for the intermittency of when the wind don't blow. To add insult to injury she declares success by declaring zero emissions for active wind energy even though dirty coal was burning on standby. Finally she embraced Putin's drug dealer tactic of dependence on Russian energy which today puts Germany at the precipice of an economic depression and very cold winters for its citizens.

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