Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A staggeringly good editorial


After 17 Years in Prison, I’m a Different Person. Do Cases Like Mine Deserve a Second Look?

Joseph Sanchez is a writer incarcerated in New York. He developed this essay in the Sullivan Nonfiction Writers Workshop.

I was thinking they would miss this one, but no listed first !


12 Great Films of James Earl Jones

Not many actors have the good fortune to make their big-screen debut in one of the greatest films of all time. Jones only appears in a handful of scenes in Stanley Kubrick’s grim nuclear war comedy “Dr. Strangelove,” but he does a lot with those few minutes, playing a bombardier whose consummate professionalism leads him to follow the orders of any crackpot commander or incompetent politician who barks in his ear.

Close it, yes. No to further priorities whether they are his or Kamala's


Trump Wants to Shut Down the Department of Education?

Donald Trump has argued he would use the department to further his priorities — or close it.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

No country can discredit American democracy more than Donald Trump


Iran Emerges as a Top Disinformation Threat in U.S. Presidential Race

With a flurry of hacks and fake websites, Iran has intensified its efforts to discredit American democracy and possibly tip the race against former President Donald Trump.

You might consider me insane but where are the mosquitos and horseflies on Connecticut's Long island Sound shoreline?

 Researchers Study the global decline of insect Populations

Researchers study the global decline of insect populationsResearchers study the global decline of insect populationsResearchers study the global decline of insect populationsResearchers study the global decline of insect populations

Researchers study the global decline of insect populations

Researchers study the global decline of insect populations

Talk about a paper tiger Russia's F.S.B. opens criminal cases against Western and Ukrainian journalists, who followed the troops onto Russian territory without following Russian customs procedures and getting passport checks.


Distracted and Divided, Russian Security Service Misses Threats

The Ukrainian offensive over the border caught Moscow’s intelligence agencies by surprise, experts say. It wasn’t the first time.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

“I’m too nervous about what he might do to our country,” she said of Mr. Trump. “I have three children. I want them to grow up in a democracy like we did.”


Haley’s Voters Size Up a Scrambled Presidential Race

The people who voted against Donald Trump and for Nikki Haley in the G.O.P. primaries are weighing whether to support Kamala Harris. Either way, they could help sway a close election in swing states.

In trying to save pennies, Boar's Head management destroyed a $Billion in equity


A deadly listeria outbreak at the plant in Jarratt, Va., has residents worried about the town’s future.

‘Imminent Threat’ Found at Boar’s Head Plant 2 Years Before Fatal Listeria Outbreak

U.S. inspectors listed serious problems in 2022 that could have resulted in strict measures like a pause in production. But the plant continued operating, and some conditions persisted.

X is banned · China · Iran · Turkmenistan · North Korea · Myanmar · Russia · Pakistan · Venezuela. Elon is so involved in China that one can see his respecting their ban. but what stops his disrespecting the others?


The satellite internet service controlled by Elon Musk is refusing to comply with a court order to block his social network, X, regulators said.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

This is also something that, as November draws ever nearer, should worry Democratic strategists. For young workers like Mr. Amaro and Mr. Leach and millions of other Americans like them who are busting their humps week in and week out trying to get ahead, the price of gas, groceries and housing is perhaps the most important factor in determining their vote. Not abortion, not Gaza, not the war in Ukraine. As long as the perception that Mr. Trump will do a better job with the economy remains unchallenged, the Democrats will pay a price at the polls, perhaps a dear one. “I care a lot about nature,” Mr. Amaro said, “but also I think about my future and how I can take care of my family, and what would benefit me, in the long term, financially. And it kind of sucks to think like that.”


What the Lobstermen of Maine Tell Us About the Election

Mr. Ellsworth, a historian, traveled to Maine for this essay.

As the last president to win successive landslide elections, Mr. Reagan offers many political lessons, but not the rigidly ideological ones that both his admirers and detractors are too often drawing. Returning to Reaganism might be a plausible path forward for the G.O.P., but only if Mr. Trump loses the election in November. In that case, the battle over what Mr. Reagan has to teach us today would truly heat up — and the combatants would do well to remember the very real qualities that made him a unifying force.


Conservatives Fighting Over Reagan’s Legacy Overlook What Made Him Successful

Mr. Heilbrunn is the editor of The National Interest and a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. He has written two books about the American political right.

Whatever our politics, Trump brings out the worst in all of us. He nurtures hate on his side that we mirror. So let’s take a deep breath, summon F.D.R.’s empathy for the forgotten man, follow Clinton’s advice — and, for the sake of winning elections as well as of civility, remember that the best way to get others to listen to us is to first listen to them.


Here’s Why We Shouldn’t Demean Trump Voters

Opinion Columnist