Friday, March 18, 2016

It's Diplomatic Delusion that Considers Libya a Sovereign State

Libya is a region of tribes in an artificially drawn boundary held together with terror funded by oil money.  Currently there is a competition in Libya for a successor strongman with oil money as the prize. Rather than consider a recent Department of Defense proposal for airstrikes to contain the nascent formation of an ISIS, a laughably myopic example of a war department’s intent to use the only tool in its box, we should be to work with the U. N. to direct money paid by outside oil companies to go directly to the tribal leaders of the various regions of Libya. Make it for them to distribute this public good to their clansmen in their way and to bypass the purposely hollowed out and dysfunctional central government that Qaddafi left behind. It’s a plan that recognizes that the prize is oil money and that the ISIS cover is just a tool to recruit mercenaries to consolidate wealth and power.

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