Monday, September 5, 2016

Syrian Peace Policy should be to pull and keep the belligerents apart

U.S. Urges Syrian Truce Despite a Stall in Policy. yes urging, as if that were enough to come to a peaceful end in a civil war.  A war where the ""marbling" of the various rebel groups with more extremist groups has been a sticking point in negotiations" as if John Kerry thinks he has the power to micro manage the belligerents to make peace. The only power outsiders should consider is diplomatic power to pull and keep the belligerents apart.  Negotiate with Russia and Iran to keep al-Assad in his Alawite enclave so that the Sunni Arab regions are left alone to work it out among themselves how to self govern and serve their people. U.S. policy should be to just discourage radical efforts for imperial expansion into other regions not of their sect.     

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