Friday, September 15, 2017

Require consumer specifies which credit info gatherer to use

The credit information gatherers, Experian, TransUnion, Equifax and the like, mine an asset that has no ownership, much like the commons are grasslands abused by farmers because there is no owner with a long term vision to sustain it. The Equifax breaches are an example of carelessness coming from an unfettered use and abuse of an asset without an owner. But there are concerned customers who issue mortgages and leases that now have to contend with a complete data set put into criminal hands with a useful half life of a decade at least.  Just for this reason everyone of Equifax's customer ought to abandon them because their carelessness which will make their transactions more difficult in the future. They should be made an example of by litigating it out of existence.  But as for the problem of data in the wrong hands the fact that individuals have no ownership over the data collected needs to be explored as a mean of securing information. A possible solution is to require the consumer specifies which gatherer to use when applying for credit.

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