Sunday, June 17, 2018

When @Rodforctgov asks you to volunteer in the ballot petition drive, think of it as a contribution you can make that money can’t buy. @LibertarianCT

I believe that the LPCT is missing the opportunity to engage
new members by not immediately asking them to volunteer for
the ballot petition drive. Many won’t but the few that do are what
will grow the party, so use the hardship of having to get our
candidates on the ballot this year to to build relationships and
develop our narrative. I would suggest we reject the professional
petition gatherers and concentrate on volunteers to make our party
and its candidates viable.
My situation in Fairfield County where I grew up with and was
a commuter is to gather signatures at the railroad station in the early
morning hours.  My first question is to ask if they are registered to
vote in Darien, my hometown but when I start in Greenwich next week
it will be Greenwich. Eliciting a yes puts to you halfway there while
also qualifying the respondent. The rest is so easy that you can relax
and enjoy the experience. Rejection isn’t an insult so just say thank
you and move on to next. If someone expresses interest in the
candidate then pass a card of Rod’s campaign. Frankly, a couple of
hours of this makes my day especially where I meet friends who smile
at my whacked out politics but who sign anyway and think about it.  
And that’s the point. Its one’s active engagement which makes others
think that there is something worthwhile going on. It’s intriguing.
So when Rod asks as your point person to volunteer in the ballot
petition drive, think of it as a contribution you can make that money
can’t buy.  

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