Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin conferred privately in Helsinki, Finland, on Monday here is the Transcript

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin conferred privately in
Helsinki, Finland, on Monday, with only interpreters
present. Since then, speculation has been rife about the
content of their discussion. The New York Reporter
obtained a transcript of the conversation, published below.

President Trump: Vlad, thank you for taking this meeting.

President Putin:    You are welcome Donald. Now, what
can I do for you?

President Trump:  Its the Trump Tower project
in Moscow. What will it take to get it started? Come on Vlad,
it’s the showpiece project to make Russia really great
again, just like you want.

President Putin:    But those sanctions, Donald! Mike Flynn
told me they were gone the moment you took office.  You
promised they would be gone. Is that really you Donald,
big promise no result?
President Trump:  Whadda you mean no result! Look how
I pulled the Iran Deal to make France and Germany think
twice about those sanctions that Mike Pompeo says they
have to follow just because we say so.  All we need now is
that smiley frog Macron to man up and say no. Didn't he
mention anything about breaking the Iran sanctions
yesterday after France won the World Cup?

President Putin:    Nothing, what a dummy! You'd think he
would be looking out for his own like Total Petroleum and
Peugeot Auto and Airbus Aircraft instead of letting them
get pushed around by those stupid Obama sanctions. Let me
get LePen to wake him up.

President Trump:  And I'll do my chaos thing, maybe fire
Mueller. Another dummy. He knows we messed with other
people's elections so what is it those idiots want me to do?
Lecture you like that pussy, Obama!  Besides I always figured
all the top dogs like our NSA, you, China and Israel have all the
emails. Where is the collusion in my asking you in public to
release what you got?

President Putin:    Yeah, I didn’t like those pesky Panama
Papers the NSA released either.  I’ll tell you what. You send over
your hacks to interrogate those over reaching heavy handed
GRU morons who should have left well enough alone.  I mean
the FSB was already in undetected reading stuff like how
Wasserman was strangling Bernie’s campaign to help out
Hillary and they could have made it look like the NSA released
them. Imagine the mess that would have made. But nooooo those
morons. I am ready to string up the dozen of them right now.
Collusion! Why would I have ordered an alternate hack of an
office that was totally hacked already, for soviet sake, and don’t
talk to me about poisoning traitors!

President Trump:  Okay Vlad, I see I got you worked up so lets
tone it down and agree we had a really great meeting and that
you are a swell guy who can be trusted yadda da de da.

President Putin:    Alright, you keep it up with Pompeo, Bolton
and that weasel Mnuchin making the Europeans mad as hell
with irrational insistence to comply with those stupid sanctions.
Those Euro dummies! You don't see Xi kowtowing to
that stupidity. His people are in Tehran right now getting the best
possible deal on oil everyone else is staying away from because of

President Trump:  Yeah Xi is no dummy, really keeps his cards
close to the vest. Boy, Shanghai could really use a Trump Tower.
But first things first, right Vlad?

President Putin:    Get the sanctions lifted on Russia and you can
send Don Jr. over to make the Moscow deal, but not a moment

President Trump:  Done. So hey, how about them Croats?


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