Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Given the prospect of a second term of a more emboldened Trump as President, I’m up for giving Kamala Harris the benefit of doubt.

Joe Biden’s hesitancy to give up and pass the reins to Kamala Harris reminds one that FDR never thought much of Vice President Harry Truman either. Leaving the execution of World War II to his neophyte Vice President was never considered just like Biden never thought of Kamala as anything other than window dressing to attract female and black voters. Joe’s sense that if he loses to Trump in November as he described in his recent interview with George Stephanopoulos would leave him proud to have given it his all. It is self pride that is beneath his long history in public office and one that ruins his legacy.

Harry Truman had no clue about the atomic bomb nor anything else of import when FDR died because he was never considered capable. Yet he quickly grew into the position and is now listed as one of our greatest Presidents. Today, Biden has it within his power to cap a half century political career with greatness just by letting himself be declared by his doctors as suffering from the early stages of dementia and under the 25th Amendment incapacitated and thereby allow Kamala Harris to immediately take the reins and possibly defeat Donald Trump.

It would be as historic a walk away from power as Washington’s decision to limit himself to two terms and prove that Biden making Kamala Harris his running mate was more than just window dressing. Given the prospect of a second term of a more emboldened Trump as President, I’m up for giving her the benefit of doubt.  Given my Libertarian Republican perspective I’m not expecting greatness, just the salvation of our Constitution.

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