Sunday, September 27, 2015

Flailing About with Iran and Russia

Secretary of State John Kerry sought on Saturday to draw Iran into the search for a political solution to the Syrian conflict is a disturbing headline. Disturbing that a political solution is being sought in a region without central governance.  How does diplomacy in Syria solve the crying need for functioning government?  Apparently the Administration doesn’t realize that without a strategy this playing with Iran and Russia on diplomatic optics showing engagement in Syria just feeds the cynical opportunism of Putin and the Ayatollah to pander to their domestic hardliners.
The grand strategy for the allies in the Middle East must be to pacify the region. This would lead to radical conclusion to let the various sects split out and form independent city states of like minded citizens. The allies should then concentrate on protecting the individual states from each other, such as blowing barrel bombing helicopters out of the sky.  A tactic toward this strategy would be to place the refugee camps in Jordan back into Syria to be protected and funded by the allies so that they may possibly develop workable political unions, similar to what the Kurdish people have, that marches in the direction of the grand strategy to pacify.

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