Thursday, September 17, 2015

The money is Already there for the Oases Program

The rebel training program is putting the cart before the horse where Few U.S. Trained Syrians Still Fight ISIS, Senators are Told.  Four rebels for $500 million!  Even if these four Rambos win and takeover a town, what happens after the fight?  Even Daesh realizes you have to administer and deliver services to the regions under their control. The allies need capable political unions capable of governing where there is now a political vacuum.
Instead of funding this really dumb program, use $100 million to completely fund the U. N. World Food Program Syrian Refugee Camps in Jordan to immediately halt the migration into Europe.  The remaining $400 million would be a good start for funding the refugees to move the camps into Syria and begin self governed oases of city states of moderate Sunnis protected by Jordan's army and allied air forces. If others, Gulf States and Europe, would help to fund The Oases Project so that refugees get the money to personally commit to finance the housing built in Syria. With settlement, security and prosperity the beginnings of a capable political union, such as what the Kurdish have in Iraq, would eventually develop a militia with which the city states could expand their moderate governance north and westward so that Syrian refugees in Europe would return to their homeland.

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