Friday, July 8, 2016

China fuels need for protection from their Navy and North Korea. It makes no sense

South Korea will deploy U.S. System for Defense is no surprise given our continued commitment to defend it from North Korea.  Why does China not control the irrational Kim Jong-un who drives all of Southeast Asia to seek U.S. military equipment and look to our Navy to protect them from China's Naval belligerence in the South China Sea.

South Korea's Turn to U.S. Delivers Setback to Beijing begs the question: Does China understand how to use its growing naval power? It's assertive territorial expansion in the South China Sea and its threat to Vietnam's offshore oil fields are examples of China's bullying which makes the entire region run to the U.S. to counter. That they are surprised by this setback and last month's embrace by Vietnam of a former enemy as formalized by Obama's visit shows a real disconnect between their foreign policy and the purpose of military might which more logically would provide friendly security for the region to lull them away from their dependence on our Navy and war materials rather than run to embrace it. It reeks of authoritarians in a closed end loop believing their own propaganda.

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