Monday, July 18, 2016

NRA should be Wyatt Earp asking gunslingers handover weapons before entering town

For two days after the Dallas ambush of five police officers there was confusion about how many shooters there were because many demonstrators openly carried assault rifles which made each one of them a suspect as well a potential victim in a firefight where police fired at those carrying.  Apparently in Texas its easier to carry a concealed weapon than to open carry and so one seeking protection rather than demonstration would have been better off concealing. Ohio on the other has got it reverse, were concealed is difficult and open carry easy.  The Republican National Convention in Cleveland Ohio is going to have demonstrations where some are going to show off their Second Amendment right to bear arms. If the NRA really understood its heritage it would be like Wyatt Earp and ask the gunslingers to check their weapons before entering town because it doesn't take much imagination to figure how horribly wrong it could all go.

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