Wednesday, August 31, 2016

To fight carbon emissions Angel Merkel should rescind Nuclear Mothballing decision

The Human Face of Coal Power describes Germany as the greenest of green countries concerned it will miss its 2020 carbon dioxide emissions target because it will subsidize the burning of the dirtiest coal available, lignite, to placate its coal workers union. Maybe, but the reality is that the traditional atomic and coal power generators, whose assets values have dropped precipitously from Germany's nuclear shutdown, are the ones that need a rational energy policy.  In order to make as much money as possible to mothball the nuclear facilities these companies buy the cheapest dirtiest coal possible for their coal burning plants to make the best of the hopeless position that Angela Merkel's emotional nuclear ban after the Fukishima, Japan disaster has put them in. The best move for her government would be to get the priorities right and rescind the nuclear mothballing so that the money now being allocated to dismantle the most effective tool for reducing carbon emissions can be devoted to mothballing the dirty coal power generators as soon as possible.

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